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How to circumvent customs fees when buying goods from abroad via the Internet

This should know all the people who buy goods from abroad. In order not to pay the duty, the total cost of the parcel should be no more than 300 euros, including delivery. This can be both the cost of one product, and the total cost of all goods arriving in the name of one recipient in one flight.

Suppose that the total cost of packages for one flight per one recipient exceeded 300 euros. Then you need to clear the package. In this complex issue it is better to turn to a professional, for example, the company’s customs clearance services. http://luckybroker.com.ua will appreciate the quality and price. In this case, a tax of 10% and VAT (20%) will be charged only with the part exceeding the limit of 300 euros. For example, take a postal parcel with a smartphone, worth 500 euros. The tax will be taken from 200 euros (the amount by which the established limit is exceeded). The calculation formula is very simple:

10% tax + 20% VAT = 30%

30% from 200 euros = 60 euros.

In this case, the smartphone will cost 560 euros (500 euros smartphone delivery and 60 euros customs duty). To this all you can still add the services of a customs broker if they are required.

If the parcel exceeds the 300 euro limit set by the code, it is sent to the city’s internal customs office. Then you need to go there. Next you need to fill in the declaration of the type M-16. You can fill it out yourself, ask the customs inspector, or use the services of a broker who provides such customs services . This pleasure will cost about 300 UAH. Tax payment is made directly at the bank at the customs office.

As you understand, it is better to somehow avoid these troubles. Therefore, you should always remember about the limit of 300 euros, which, by the way, the authorities are planning to further reduce. But, fortunately, the current government itself does not have much time left, so for this you can not worry yet.

If you are going to a large batch of a homogeneous product, then it is worth splitting it into several packages and send them to different addresses. In addition, customs may suspect something if several packages arrive at the same time within the limit, but for father, mother, wife and other relatives who live at the same address with you.

Therefore, it is better to order for relatives living at different addresses. Of course, this does not mean that before sending one phone for 500 euros, it must be broken into pieces! Also, if you order products for yourself, then no more than the specified amount. In addition, if your parcels get to the customs officers, and they unpack them, and there, for example, a Chinese iPhone for $ 150, then they can calculate it at the market price.

It is already profitable to deal with our customs when you order goods from China in whole containers. And, of course, good shopping for you.

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Такси Шереметьево – в аэропорт без опозданий.

Доехать до аэропорта Шереметьево возможно на общественном транспорте (что не очень удобно, особенно в ночное время), на личном автотранспорте или заказав такси Шереметьево. Добираться до аэропорта на автомобиле приходится с выездом на Ленинградское шоссе, которое известно пробками на выезде из города. Когда на счету каждая минута, подобная ситуация может стать просто критической. Водители такси Москва имеют огромный опыт перевозки пассажиров в направлении аэропорта, поэтому прекрасно знают все возможные маршруты и объездные пути такси Шереметьево. Вам гарантирована быстрая доставка в аэропорт в любое время суток и при любой ситуации на дорогах.

Кроме того, приехав в Шереметьево на личном автомобиле, вы столкнетесь с проблемой выбора парковки или стоянки. В любом случае, это обойдется вам в крупную сумму, ведь машину придется оставить на несколько дней, пока длится ваше путешествие, а цены на стоянках аэропортов далеко не дешевые. Поэтому оптимальный выбор – такси Шереметьево. Вы не просто доедете до аэропорта к назначенному времени и с комфортом, но и убедитесь, что такси Москва недорого – это утверждение, подтвержденное реальными фактами.

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